File Area Codes The Netherlands

File Area Codes The Netherlands

File Area Codes The Netherlands

Map of telephone codes. Dutch geographical numbers consist of 9 digits. The area code consists of 2 or 3 digits (depending on the size of the area, larger areas have 2 digits, smaller areas have 3 digits), followed by 7 or 6 digits in the subscriber number. Dutch mobile phone numbers consist of 9 digits also, They start with 06, followed by 8 digits. The non-geographical numbers in the Netherlands are 06 (Mobile phones and pagers), 0800 (Free service numbers), 084, 085 (used for VoIP) and 087 (Voicemail and Virtual private numbers), 088 (Large companies with more than one address), 0900 (Paid information numbers), 0906 (Adult lines) and 0909 (Entertainment). 0800 numbers can always be dialled for free, even from (public) payphones; other numbers starting with 08 are not free. The non-geographic numbers in the Netherlands (besides 06) don't have a fixed number of digits, but are usually kept as short as possible, for the sake of convenience. Geographic numbers are allocated in blocks to different telecommunications providers. However, a telephone number from a block allocated to a certain provider may not be serviced by that provider anymore due to number portability; subscribers who switch providers can take their number with them. The emergency number in the Netherlands is 112. GSM mobile phones may accept a different number to dial into the emergency services (such as 999, 000 or 911), depending on their firmware. Directory assistance is available from several commercial providers, on 18xy (e.g. 1888 from KPN).

File Area Codes The Netherlands

Web Site
 - File Area Codes Of The Netherlands Gif - Codes of Netherlands +31 NL - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
File Area Codes Of The Netherlands Gif - Codes of Netherlands +31 NL - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
File Area Codes The Netherlands Netherlands
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